Elko County, NV
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Elko County, NV
Elko County Advisory Board to Manage Wildlife
Meeting Time: May 09, 2016 at 6:00pm PDT
Closed for Comment May 09, 2016 at 2:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired
Agenda Items
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4. Nevada Department of Wildlife Project Updates:
5. Humboldt County Elk Sub-plan (Second Reading):
6. Presentation of Fiscal Year 2017 Draft Predation Management Plan (Final Draft) The Commission will review with the Department the third and final draft of the Fiscal Year 2017 Draft Predation Management Plan. The Commission may take action to modify or endorse the plan.
7. Commission General Regulation 456, Special Incentive Elk Arbitration Panel, LCB File No. R031-15 The Commission will hold a workshop on the temporary regulation which expired Nov. 1, 2015, relating to amending Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 502.42283 by which the Commission may facilitate decisions by appointing or serving as the arbitration panel should arbitration of elk incentive tag awards become necessary. During adoption of the permanent NAC, the Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB) and the Legislative Commission have questioned specific language choices recommended by the Department that directly influence the application of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA). The primary concern expressed by the Legislative Commission deals with the ability of an arbitration panel to issue a final and binding decision without providing a means for appeal. In short, an appointed panel may be able to provide such a decision, yet when the Commission acts in this capacity it may be deemed an administrative act that must be consistent with the provisions of the APA. The LCB suggested the Department add "subject to judicial review" to clarify the appeals process
8. Commission General Regulation 461, Industrial Artificial Pond Permits (IAP), LCB File No. R014-16 -The Commission will hold a workshop to consider regulation changes relating to amending Chapter 502 of the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC). It revises provisions relating to artificial industrial ponds; adds a provision on the purpose of permits; adds definitions for permanent closure and stabilized; adds new provisions and revises existing provisions relating to application, compliance, modification, renewal, and transfer of permits; and modifies provisions relating to assessment fee structure and payment tiers. The regulation change regarding application, compliance, modification, renewal and transfer of permits will provide clarity on how to manage permits when certain operational or administrative changes occur. The regulation change regarding assessment fee structures and payment tiers will expand the number of active permit holders required to pay an annual assessment and will increase certain payment tiers. Existing NAC language results in only 55 percent of active IAP permit holders paying an annual assessment, yet NDOW is responsible for managing permits and conducting inspections at all facilities with an IAP permit. The proposed regulation change will eliminate this shortfall, which is currently offset with sportsman dollars, and will create an industry-funded permitting program.
9. Reports - Informational A Black Bear Hunt Status Report - A report will be provided on the status of the black bear hunt and ongoing population and harvest monitoring. B Big Game Hunt Status Report - A summary report will be provided on the status of big game. C* Tag Allocation and Application Hunt Committee (TAAHC) - A report will be provided on the committee's recent meeting. D* Wildlife Heritage Committee - A report will be provided on the recent Wildlife Heritage Committee meeting. E* Wildlife Trust Fund Semi-Annual Report - A report will be provided on the investment and expenditure of the money in the Wildlife Trust Fund for the periods of July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, and July 1, 2015, to Dec. 31, 2015, pursuant to NRS 501.3585. F Sage-grouse Update - will provide an update on the status of sage-grouse. G Department Activity Report - will provide a report on recent Department activities.
10. Commission General Regulation 460, Definition of "Spike Elk," LCB File No. R013-16 - The Commission will consider amending NAC 502.104 and 502.1045 to define "Spike Elk" in a manner that limits inadvertent errors in the field. The intent is to consider and possibly broaden the definition of spike in a manner that is consistent with the management objective of defining a spike while reducing the likelihood of errors in harvest identification. A workshop was held in Yerington on March 25, 2016. The Commission directed the Department to contact Utah to identify if they have had any issues with enforcement regarding the way that their language is written, which is similar to the Department's proposed language. Alternative language, including whether to use the number of branches or antlered points in the definition was also discussed.
11. Commission Regulation 16-12, 2016 Big Game Quotas for the 2016 - 2017 Season - The Commission will establish regulations for the numbers of tags to be issued for mule deer, pronghorn antelope, elk, bighorn sheep, black bear, and mountain goats for the 2016 - 2017 seasons. Note: Support material sent separately.
12. Military exemption for licensure for bonus points only.
13. Mandatory teeth sampling for successful Mule Deer hunters.
14. Discuss any other State agenda items -
15. Future Commission Meeting:
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