Meeting Time: May 09, 2016 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

10. Commission General Regulation 460, Definition of "Spike Elk," LCB File No. R013-16 - The Commission will consider amending NAC 502.104 and 502.1045 to define "Spike Elk" in a manner that limits inadvertent errors in the field. The intent is to consider and possibly broaden the definition of spike in a manner that is consistent with the management objective of defining a spike while reducing the likelihood of errors in harvest identification. A workshop was held in Yerington on March 25, 2016. The Commission directed the Department to contact Utah to identify if they have had any issues with enforcement regarding the way that their language is written, which is similar to the Department's proposed language. Alternative language, including whether to use the number of branches or antlered points in the definition was also discussed.