Meeting Time: September 19, 2024 at 5:15pm PDT



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Agenda Item

G.1) Application 24-2000-0007, Ventures MTG, LLC   Discussion and consideration of Application 24-2000-0007, Ventures MTG, LLC, requesting a Change in Zoning from Open Space District (OS) to Agricultural-Residential Conservation Reserve District (AR-CRD-1).

This meeting is open for public comment. By registering to speak, you agree to be present during the meeting time. You will be called to speak by your name.

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    Jonathan George at September 18, 2024 at 9:00pm PDT

    The system will not allow me to upload my comment document, is there a way to have my comment uploaded?

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    Angela Gamble at September 18, 2024 at 8:33pm PDT

    I am a resident of Spring Creek and I oppose the request for zone change from an Open Space District to an Ag-Res Conservation Reserve. Spring Creek does not have the water to support a build of this size nor does it have the roadways to accommodate the additional traffic that will come as a result of the additional homes. Not only are the roads in poor condition already, there aren’t enough routes in and out of the community to safely exit should an emergency occur. There are plenty of lots available for development. It’s not wise to add more for the reasons I’ve mentioned and many others. I ask the Planning Commission to consider these points and not approve the request. Thank you.

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    Angela Gamble at September 18, 2024 at 8:33pm PDT

    I am a resident of Spring Creek and I oppose the request for zone change from an Open Space District to an Ag-Res Conservation Reserve. Spring Creek does not have the water to support a build of this size nor does it have the roadways to accommodate the additional traffic that will come as a result of the additional homes. Not only are the roads in poor condition already, there aren’t enough routes in and out of the community to safely exit should an emergency occur. There are plenty of lots available for development. It’s not wise to add more for the reasons I’ve mentioned and many others. I ask the Planning Commission to consider these points and not approve the request. Thank you.

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    Sharon LeBarts at September 18, 2024 at 5:46pm PDT

    I am against allow any development of the Spring Creek area since Elko County has not provided any new access to Spring Creek and we have only one way in and out. The valley is already burdened with a traffic problem that the County has not addressed. We have also suffered from lack of water as the community is under water restrictions.
    Thank you, Sharon LeBarts

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    Danielle Hendrix at September 18, 2024 at 12:57pm PDT

    I am a resident of Spring Creek and am against any large development projects in this valley. Traffic has already becoming extremely heavy and as the community recently witnessed from the derailed train, there are no other feasible routes into Elko. Allowing further development will cause destruction to wildlife habitats, loss of green spaces, increase in noise and light pollution, strain our already water supply, and adversely impact what little infrastructure we have. How is our existing infrastructure capable of accommodating this increased demand? As a resident, I ask that you do not allow this zone change to happen. This area has a unique beauty and allowing a zoning change will insure that will be lost. We don't need to be another Salt Lake Valley. Thank you, Danielle Hendrix

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    Jane Ward at September 18, 2024 at 7:38am PDT

    Increasing high density housing should not be allowed until Elko County provides to the good and faithful residents of Spring Creek, SCA, Pleasant Valley, Lamoille, Lipparelli and etc. until an access road for the current residents be built. Fires are a high risk in our area and after the evacuation of the derailment of a train proved just how scary our situation was for all. Insurance rates will increase. The lack of water hydrants will certainly be an issue. Shame on Elko County for delaying this project for many years. I have lived in Elko County since 1986. I saw improvements on increasing the size of Lamoille highway, but never an evacuation plan for us. As a SCA stake holder; I am against allowing any new developments to use our roads. Developers should have a plan for their roads; not use SCA as part of their project. Lamoille highway and Elko County can figure out how these rezoning plans will work. Thank you. Jane Ward