Meeting Time: August 16, 2023 at 7:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

J.2) Update on recent events and presentations of the proposed Winecup Gamble Congressional Land Exchange with discussion on potential actions to be taken.

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    Mary De Poutiloff over 1 year ago

    Please join the opposition to this land GRAB. This precedent of congress (politicians) giving away public lands to wealthy land developers stinks to high heaven.

    Taxpayer subsidized solar farms to Chinese companies? Boondoggle wind farms to Danish companies? Gold mines to Canadian companies? Water piped to Vegas?

    Too many unknowns, but you can bet, this will NOT benefit the public and the wildlife that have roamed these areas forever.

    Thank you.

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    Luisa Demorest over 1 year ago

    I have watched all the meetings regarding this.. What can we as a community do to stop this? This only benefits the Winecup.

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    Trula Limardo over 1 year ago

    Hi and thanks for hearing me out. I listened to the Winecup Gambles presentation last Friday. I fail to see how this exchange would benefit anyone but Winecup. Allowing this would destroy access to hunters as this is prime elk habitat. These hunters bring needed business to the local communities. Shed hunters also utilize this area in the spring. Many residents like to take a Sunday drive out and enjoy these beautiful mountains. The burn areas provide wood to local residents to heat their homes. Many families enjoy the long time tradition of going out to cut their Christmas tree every year in this area. Winecup did not address the issue of third party private land within the area whose access could be cut off. Access is already becoming an issue in this area and not having the BLM checkerboard would create a nightmare. Also I have concerns for springs in the area including Montello Springs..will a prior water right be filed on these? I think it is important to prevent this exchange from is a no win for everyone but the Winecup!!!

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    jerrika schwandt over 1 year ago

    I oppose this land exchange. After watching the presentation given by the Winecup Gamble Ranch and company, I cannot see the benefits of the exchange for individuals or the state.

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    Don Halterman over 1 year ago

    This whole endeavor violates the principles of public Land Management. First of all this is a land grab not a swap, they're getting three acres for one if this goes through. They will most likely try to block access to private parcels and other public lands which are both illegal to do. Also we don't know what schemes they have in mind; why are they doing this? How is it going to adversely affect the Nevada citizens who live there? Stop this !

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    Jonny Wilson over 1 year ago

    My two biggest concerns with the land grab that Winecup Ranch is attempting is that the checkerboard ownership of land was originally designed to prevent the exact situation that the Ranch is attempting and that's allowing 1 entity to own too big of a plot of land, preventing public access and the control of such a large section of land. The second concern of mine is that the switch is largely one sided in terms of acreage. The Ranch mentioned it would be a dollar for dollar trade but that doesn't mean much when the Ranch is gaining quite a lot more acreage than what they are giving up. In my perspective and opinion I see this as just a way for the Ranch to get more land in the end.

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    Cheryl Nance over 1 year ago

    I adamantly oppose the proposed Winecup Gamble Congressional Land Exchange.