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Agenda Item
F.1) Pursuant to Notice No. 11-2023, discussion and consideration of the following Resolutions to augment funds:
2023-02 Jackpot Town General Fund in the amount of $150,000;2023-03 Elko County Road Fund in the amount of $40,000;2023-04 Elko County Library Fund in the amount of $50,000;2023-05 Elko County Juvenile Fund in the amount of $90,000;2023-06 Jackpot Recreation Fund in the amount of $30,000;2023-07 Drug Court Fund in the amount of $100,000;2023-08 Youth Services Fund in the amount of $4,000;2023-09 NNE Museum Fund in the amount of $5,000;
2023-10 Bond Income Fund in the amount of $18,875;2023-11 Sheriff’s Commissary Fund in the amount of $155,000; and
2023-12 Opioid Recoveries Fund in the amount of $300,000
These augmentations were previously discussed and approved by the Budget Committee.