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Agenda Item
H.1) Discussion and consideration of providing one-time emergency funding to the China Spring Youth Camp for fiscal year 2023 in the amount of $33,068.Excluding Clark County, all Nevada counties currently participate in the funding of China Spring Youth Camp pursuant to NRS 62B.150. China Spring is a juvenile residential facility operated by Douglas County under the supervision of the 9th Judicial District Court and has been serving Nevada youth since 1980. China Spring is a critical component of the juvenile justice system in Nevada that keeps kids under local authority instead of placement in State institutions (for which counties still have a statutory obligation to pay).During the 2021 Nevada Legislative Session, the State reduced funding to China Spring by $398,849 in the current Fiscal Year 2021-22. For Fiscal Year 2022-23, the State funding reduction doubles to $797,699.
Though significant, these reductions were much less than the cuts proposed in the Governor’s budget, thanks to the hard work of NACO, county partners, and legislative leadership. NRS 62B.150 is structured so that a State reduction would normally be made up by increased county assessments. However, the Legislature agreed to set that aside and hold county assessments at their prior funding levels with an agreement that NACO would form a Working Group during the interim to discuss camp programming, communication, governance and long-term funding with a report back to the Legislature.
The Working Group has representation from all 16 counties, composed variously of county commissioners, managers, judges, and juvenile probation officers.