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I oppose the approving of the CDC Workforce Grant. Whenever money is taken from the government we become slaves to the government and have to obey their directives. The CDC has not been proven to be trusted throughout this whole pandemic. We do not need them in Elko County to over see our health. We are a Constitutional County and don"t need those who don't follow the constitution telling us what to do.
I would like to submit my comment for support of the CDC Workforce Grant. Elko County is in desperate need of a local health department with local programs that would support this community. Public health in Elko County is currently controlled by the State, with little or no concern with what matters locally. Public health is much broader than vaccination and the goal of a health department does not center around that. As someone who has a master's degree in public health, it is extremely disheartening to see a community without a local department and the lack of understanding of what a health department is and does for a community. Having a local department does not bring big government in, it keeps them out which is what our goal should be! Funding for these programs is always difficult to arrange especially for areas with a small population. I don't believe it would be in the County's best interest to pass up funds that could help to jumpstart this program.
At this point how can anyone trust the cdc!
Bureaucracies never shrink; government budgets never get smaller; our freedoms always diminish.
“We propose... developing... Department or District ” A new bureaucracy will have future costs either borne by local governments or making the locals beholden to federal agencies.
The phrases “a higher level of authority and autonomy", 'continue to be supreme", substantially more power" are troubling applied to an un-elected bureaucracy.
Pproject tasks include:
“Draft county codes, regulations, and fee-schedules” A bureaucracy drafting codes, regulations and fee-schedules!
“Identify office and/or clinical space” Permanent bureaucracy - permanent home!
“... phasing from a temporary to a permanent organization” We do not know the future costs, obligations or restrictions.
“... no more strings attached to this grant...” The County has the needed policies and procedures in place, but, it is naïve to believe that a CDC backed grant will have no other strings attached. This attempt to gain more local control will backfire. Elko County can have little faith in the CDC.
One item in the project budget is “Electronic Health Record Software - $50,000”. This will be a further privacy intrusion into our lives, more monitoring, more Big Brother.
The workshop presentation contained no convincing arguments for the need for or benefits to be derived from creating a new bureaucracy.
Please make the difficult decision to turn down federal money don't accept this grant. Free money is never free.
Please do not accept money on the taxpayers behalf that comes with requirements or mandates. I support the decision for Elko to become a Constitutional County. Please stay in line with holding our freedoms foremost and do not beholden us to any organization which might threaten our rights.
I strongly oppose the CDC having ANY role in our community.
The CDC cannot be trusted!
The CDC is controlled by our current illegitimate regime and is pushing fear campaigns for this vaccination push, including vaxing young children.
The Nevada Health Systems are currently pushing fear campaigns in our community, why welcome another organization to do the same?
The CDC also will not publicly comment on natural immunity. This alone shows they have other interests at heart.
The CDC Foundation(a 501c public charity)was created in1992, launched in1995 by Congress supposedly to fight threats to health & safety & to support the CDC in partnership with private sectors, individuals, philanthropies & corporations. I Discovered the following:
Sept: CDC changed its definitions of "vaccine" & "vaccination" to counter "pandemic deniers" who pointed out Covid injections did not qualify as vaccines under existing definitions. Ms. Morelli, an official, pronounced that treatment need not actually prevent disease to qualify as a vaccine. Changed mainly for purely political motivation!
Aug:The Blaze reported CDC was setting its sights on the 2nd Amendment; Director Walensky In a CNN interview, claimed that so called gun violence is a "serious public health threat; I swore to the President & to the Country that I would protect your health," & then detailed plans to spend millions on "research" & "studies to provide propaganda to push an anti-gun agenda.
We do not need another expanding government entity: new offices, rules regulations, costs (eventually) to the taxpayer that will never go away.
I remember the famous Reagan story: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you." It was a warning. I think you should all run while you have the chance.
I am definitely opposed to this proposition!!!!
Thelma Homer, Elko
I am a local business owner and long time resident! I highly oppose this workforce grant from the CDC! I do not trust this organization at all! They have multiple lawsuits against them currently and I do not want them anyway involved with monitoring my health or my families! Thank you!