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Agenda Item
J.1) Discussion and consideration of approval of a request to hire a Sheriff's Deputy for the Patrol Division at Step 6 of the pay range instead of Step 1-3. Elko County Sheriff's Office has four vacancies and with two other sworn personnel who have submitted their notice of retirement. The Sheriff's Office has experienced ongoing challenges recruiting qualified candidates. The candidate has five years of experience at another law enforcement agency in Nevada and is interested in relocating to Elko. Based on the candidate's experience and qualifications, the Sheriff recommends hiring the candidate at a Step 6.
Pursuant to Elko County Compensation Policy, Section C.1.4.2 Job Offers, if an applicant will occupy a class which is represented in a bargaining unit, the Board of County Commissioners and the employee organization will be consulted if the proposed salary will place the employee above the third step in the salary range.