Meeting Time: April 15, 2020 at 1:30pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.


Agenda Item

L.2) Review and discussion on a cost allocation plan and agreement with the Elko County Fire District for administrative services from Elko County.

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    IAFF Local 5046 almost 5 years ago

    On June 13, 2019, the Elko County Fire Protection District claimed an inability to pay for Fire Fighter raises and additional Personal Protective Equipment. This plan requests (demands) the Fire District pay Elko County $240,000/year for county “services”, which is more than double the cost of the fire fighter’s proposals. How can the Fire District afford to pay the county for these services while they continue to claim they can’t afford to take care of their fire fighters? Also see attachment.

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    Ashley Kizer almost 5 years ago

    Seriously?! The board of fire commissioners is a joke. The way they conduct business is embarrassing. They do not value the firefighters that work for Elko County. Do these guys not deserve updated equipment? Do these guys not deserve a raise? They make around $17/ hour or less. This is disgusting. I hope that none of these “leaders” or any members of their family never really need the life saving services that these amazing firefighters provide. Maybe then they will actually see their worth.

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    Patrick Linstruth almost 5 years ago

    Would someone explain how creating and posting an agenda on a web site costs the same as the total cost for payroll, accounts payable, budgets, human resources, budget committee, district attorney, and employee benefits? There are approximately 24 fire board meetings per year. This comes to over $800/agenda?
    How was this cost estimated and what is “etc”?
    Does the Fire Administrator agree with this cost?
    Can the Fire District manage their own agendas?