Meeting Time: January 22, 2025 at 1:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

K.1) Discussion and consideration to approve the re-bid for Public Works Project EL-2025-142, County Road 715B Lucky Nugget Road Phase II Project.   The project commences at McClellan Avenue and follows the Lucky Nugget Road alignment for approximately 1.56 miles to the BLM 1119 Road.  The project will consist of regrading the existing road, aggregate base, and asphalt paving along the existing alignment.   Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners at the Office of the Elko County Highway Department, 994 River Street, Elko, Nevada 89801 until 2:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) on the 24th day of February 2024.  The bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:05 p.m. (Pacific Time) on the same day at the same location.   This project was previously bid on April 17, 2024.  All bids were rejected by the Elko County Board of Commissioners as all responses were significantly higher than funds budgeted for the project.    The bids shall be considered at the March 5, 2025 Elko County Board of Commissioners meeting if re-bid is approved.   This project is approved in Amendment Eight of the Infrastructure Tax Plan approved by the Elko County Board of Commissioners on May 17, 2023.

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    Bill Moore about 1 month ago

    We believe that any further improvements to Lucky Nugget Road at this time is a waste of tax payer monies and oppose this project going out for bid.

    Orla Mining has made it clear to the residents of Southfork that this roadway is the primary access for the South Railroad project.

    In July 2024 Orla conducted a traffic count over a three day period and counted over 550 trips per day, this is before the drilling companies started working at the site. With this kind of traffic the road needs to be redesigned to handle the heavy flow of traffic through a residential neighborhood. Corners need to be straightened out and the road needs to be widened to the maximum width of 50 feet.

    The traffic going past our home has quadrupled since last summer. The traffic is 24/7 you are no longer able to sleep with windows open due to the noise. One Sunday this late fall six semi’s with lowboy trailers past our home going in empty and coming out fully loaded with drill rigs and other equipment. But this type of heavy traffic happens almost daily.

    Orla representatives have said that they will use the Twin Bridges road, but they haven’t. I have almost been run off the road in the corners between the old homestead and causeway by semis coming through the corners. Future traffic will include busses and semis hauling heavy mining equipment.

    Without a comprehensive road study, continuing to pave this road is throwing good money down the drain.

    Bill & Paula Moore