Meeting Time: March 05, 2025 at 1:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

N.1) Discussion and consideration of legislation in from the 83rd (2025) Nevada Legislative Session.   Watch List: AB51 - Public Records - Heard by both Assembly and Senate Legislative Operations. - Mentioned no jurisdiction. AB59 - Law Enforcement Powers of Game Wardens - Heard February 26th in Assembly Natural Resources AB81 - Daylight Savings Time Exemption for Nevada - Heard on February 24th in Assembly Government Affairs AB100 - Revises provisions relating to economic development of regional commercial air service in this State.  AB218 - Court Administrator Court Proceedings Notifications - Heard by Assembly Judiciary on February 19th. AB237 - Allows any county to create Office of Registrar of Voters to handle elections- Heard in the Assembly Government Affairs Committee on February 26th AB247 - Provisions for Persons with Disabilities - Referred to Assembly Government Affairs AB293 - Creates the Office of Aerospace.  SB16 - Contractors Licensing - Heard February 10th in Assembly and Senate Labor and Commerce - No action. SB53 - Road Closures and Hazards - Heard February 26th in Senate Growth and Infrastructure SB69 -  Economic Development and Abatements for Data Centers - Heard February 21st in Assembly Government Affairs SB79 - Youth Tags -  Not heard yet. SB199 - Recorder Required to Set Policy and Procedures in Regard to AI - Not heard yet.