Meeting Time: February 05, 2025 at 1:30pm PST


Tell us what's on your mind. Your comments and information will become part of the official public record. If you do not want your personal information included in the official record, do not complete that field.

Agenda Item

E.1) 1:37 P.M.   Pursuant to Notice No. 2025-03, the Board of County Commissioners will conduct an appeal(s) hearing to discuss and consider an application submitted by Modern Land and Concrete, LLC. to request a zone change from an Open Space (OS) District to an Agricultural-Residential Conservation Reserve (AR-CRD-2) District to accommodate future development The appeal hearing was requested by John George and Scott Wilkinson following a decision of the Elko County Planning Commission to approve the requested zone change.     The Commission will hear public comments, consider staff recommendations, and deliberate on the proposed zone change before taking possible action to uphold, modify, or overturn the Planning Commission's decision to approve the application.  

This meeting is open for public comment. By registering to speak, you agree to be present during the meeting time. You will be called to speak by your name.

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    Sam Billin at February 03, 2025 at 7:52pm PST

    My name is Sam Billin. I am a registered Professional Engineer and the founder and CEO of Linkan Engineering, an Elko County-based multi-national engineering and construction firm. I own and live at 412 Oakmont Drive, immediately adjacent to the proposed 160-acre parcel and at the intersection of Silver Oak Drive and Oakmont Drive. I have lived there for the last 25 years.
    I support the request for nullification of the zoning change for the following reasons:
    1. The approval REQUIRES that all traffic be funneled through a single entrance, Black Oak Drive.
    2. The high-density development MUST have arterial roadways in the design and zoning approval.  
    3. The issue of public and private roads within Spring Creek HOA needs to be resolved once and for all.
    4. The County should listen to comments from the public rather than comments from the Spring Creek HOA.

    My attached document includes additional detail to these positions.

    Attachments: Zoning_Appeal.pdf