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Tell us what's on your mind. Your comments and information will become part of the official public record. If you do not want your personal information included in the official record, do not complete that field.
Thank you for your time. My name is Julie Billin and I have been a resident at 412 Oakmont Drive in Spring Creek for over 25 years. We also recently purchased and built a beautiful shop on 406 Oakmont Drive. We have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars these past few years to update our home with the expectation that we would remain an integral part of the Spring Creek Community. I am deeply concerned about the decision in a swift motion to limit access to the new development to on road on Black Oak Drive. This decision will negatively impact our life. I cannot imagine having hundreds of new households using our road to gain entry. In addition to that I cannot imagine living here while this development is being built and having all the construction and heavy equipment driven by our home. I do not understand why a developer should be allowed to disrupt the existing community in such a way. I am sure there are other options that they can explore. I believe in growth and development as we personally own a lot of land in Elko county as owners of Linkan Development. I oppose this action and am concerned that no comment about access was even considered before it passed the planning commission. I believe the open space zoning where land can be developed to 40 acre homesites similar to what already exists nearby at the Sun Valley Estates is best. Also, not limiting access to only one road is the preferable option for all of us living in the Palace Heights area.