Meeting Time: April 15, 2020 at 2:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

C.1) Discussion and consideration of the cost allocation plan and agreement with the Elko County Fire District for administrative services from Elko County.

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    Jeremy Kizer almost 5 years ago

    The Fire District should not agree to this cost allocation.Back in January the County had said they "don't have the ability to pay" $108,000 for pay increases and additional line items the ECFPD local 5046 has been trying to negotiate for sometime now, which Cash Minor said would devastate the fire budget during the EMRB hearing. Today those same folks are trying to make the fire district pay $240,000 for their services like they seem to know or have found some extra money to charge this fee

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    Patrick Linstruth almost 5 years ago

    Doesn't this agreement make Elko County Taxpayers pay to lease something they've already paid for, essentially paying twice for the same thing? Although the County and District are two separate entities, doesn't both of their revenues come from the same County Taxpayers through property and infrastructure taxes? What property is being leased (the plan is absent any detail)? For example, are Elko County Taxpayers paying to lease fire apparatus that they've already paid for?