Meeting Time: September 01, 2021 at 1:30pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

M.3) Discussion and consideration of approval of Spring Creek Association's requests for funding in the amount of $2.819 million dollars for the following: Support Public Health Response - $28,775 Address Negative Economic Impacts -$1,700,000 Providing Government Services - $261,600 Water & Sewer Infrastructure - $270,000 Broadband Infrastructure - $50,000

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    Patricia Fox over 3 years ago

    Elko County Commissioners,
    As a citizen of Elko County and a property and home/ horse owner in Spring Creek Nevada, I would like to acknowledge that I am in favor of this fiduciary request.

    However here are some of my concerns:

    I would like to have some accountability to the Spring Creek property owners as to how and when this money is spent in respect to the Spring Creek Declaration of Reservations. The Horse Palace is an amenity belonging to the property owners and is an increased property value for those purchasing their lots in respect to this amenity and use.

    I would like to see management and the elected officials be more transparent in their communications with the property owners and to hold meetings documenting the progress and recognition of the process involved in allocating these funds. Is there effective oversight for the management of this grant in an HOA?

    I do question the use of this grant for purchasing water rights for one small entity when there are so many larger water concerns in the entire community. Why not a larger plan to accommodate larger problems?

    I do not believe that SC management can speak for those who do not live in the SC tracts and the decisions affecting these decisions should be made by the county commissioners.

    Thank you for your time. Patricia Fox

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    Jane ward over 3 years ago

    As a SCA owner of 7 lots it is important for some clarification of the SC Congressional Funding Proposal. Because SCA is looking to make SCHP an emergency center (which is a good idea) and requesting funds to do so. Why wasn't SCHP listed in the SC Overview? Manages 300 lane miles of roads, parks, campground, shooting range, trap and skeet, community building, restaurant, marina, sports fields, golf course, etc? Since 1989 past SCA boards wanted to change SCHP to a tennis court, pool or anything but what it was designed for. Also, tourism was included. According to SCA Articles of Incorporation Article 111 ORGANIZATION THAT this Association is organized as a non-stock, non-profit cooperative corporation pursuant to Section 81.410 et seq. Nevada Revised Statues and is formed to qualify as a residential real estate management association under Section 528 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954...SCA must follow the tax laws as a non profit. SCHP is grandfather in and if major rennovation work is done it will not be compliance with today's laws. This is important for unforeseen costs. Purchase of water rights. 8. In no event, however, may the Association sell, transfer or convey all of any part of the Common Recreation Facilities without the assent of at lease 75% of the total number of votes in the Association. Clarification is needed regarding this proposed purchase of water rights and what is this additional infrastructure? Transparency of details needed. Jane Ward