Meeting Time: January 06, 2021 at 1:30pm PST
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Agenda Item

E.2) Discussion and consideration of Resolution No. 2021-01 in Support of the Local Economy and Businesses impacted by COVID-19 restrictions including requests for a reduction of said restrictions to protect local businesses.

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    Stephanie Licht about 4 years ago

    RE: COVID-19 UPDATE: E.2. Resolution 2021-01
    I fully support Elko County Resolution 2021-01. Every citizen expects EQUAL treatment under the law. Has unequal treatment been applied to all businesses being designated as “essential” or “non-essential”?
    NRS CHAPTER 414 – Emergency management has provisions for periods of 90 days of Emergencies. Section 414.044 PLAN FOR RECOVERY FROM EMERGENCY OR DISASTER -1. Addresses a “…written plan for recovery from an emergency or disaster….” 1.(d) Facilitate the stabilization, rebuilding and revitalization of communities impacted by an emergency or disaster.” Nevada citizens under siege for many, many months, suffered unequal treatment on both essentiality designation and length of emergency. In short, “Where’s our $$$ Money?” What about redress under a “takings clause”?
    Perhaps the Commission might involve Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) in seeking expedited distribution and return of the Resolution generating statewide support for this resolution.
    Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
    Sincerely, Stephanie Licht

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    Adam Stacey about 4 years ago

    I am in full support of this resolution and am glad it is thorough. Sisolak is out of control and we can’t let him destroy our county under the auspices of covid 19. It isn’t that bad of an illness anyway and science has proven that. Funny how the flu has disappeared too... and most illnesses end up being covid 19. The real invisible enemy is not a virus, but communism, which is knocking on the door as we speak. Liberal governors like ours want the totalitarian rule associated with communism and we need to fight them every step of the way! Thank you for pushing back and fighting for our rights!

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    Jane Wolf about 4 years ago

    It is time we stood up for our community. These ridiculous restrictions are killing our local Elko business people , and our kids need to be in school.

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    Jennifer Hobbs about 4 years ago

    This is exactly what Elko County needs. We need our restaurant open and doing business as usual, we need our schools open for our kids to learn and grow, and we need to be responsible for our own health. I hope the manor will be allowed to have visitors in the new future and that we can all choose to be responsible and keep our county healthy. Thank you for submitting this resolution and I support the commission 100 percent!

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    Edie Dickenson about 4 years ago

    Masks divide, distract, and dehumanize us! We need to be able to smile at each other. Our small businesses and restaurants need our support now!

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    Jean Sloan about 4 years ago

    The Community of Elko needs to open. The COVID 19 has impacted all of us but individuals have the right to make a choice of either going to a business or not. It is a right given to us by our own Constitution. We are reasonably intelligent people and if we don’t feel safe, we have the option of staying home. Taking away our rights is not the solution to the problem and LOCKING down our businesses isn’t either. We are making an unfortunate situation worse by imposing restrictions. The closing of businesses because of restrictions will carry well into the future and is a detriment to our Community

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    Carrie Power about 4 years ago

    I, Carrie Power, A resident of Elko county for over 30 years, do you stand in support of draft resolution 2021 Dash 01. It is imperative that our commissioners stand with our local small businesses which are adversely impacted by the COVID-19
    Restrictions placed by our governor. Each business needs to be allowed to develop their own plan for dealing with Covid 19. Each one of them are as capable as the big box stores of providing safety measures for the clients right and go to their businesses. This is an emergency situation for small businesses and for our community. We have had very few deaths due to Covid but we have suffered severely As a community due to these needless restrictions. They must be Eliminated immediately!
    Sincerely Carrie Power

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    Daniel Stevenson about 4 years ago

    Thank you for preparing and submitting this resolution. It is long overdue and needs to be passed immediately. Our Governor has absolutely no authority to limit our rights and freedoms in this way. Not even the science supports his actions. It is abundantly clear that the business closures and mask mandates are completely ineffective and have no effect on the spread or severity of this virus.

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    Sara OConnor about 4 years ago

    I am a small business owner in Elko. My business has been greatly affected by the restrictions placed by the governor. It is also against our constitutional rights. The mask mandate has not been proven by science and has been used to cause feel and control over our small business owners and employees. This is not legal nor constitutional.

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    Debbie Pawelek about 4 years ago

    I am a local business owner in Elko County and fully support this resolution to be put in to use ASAP for the sake of our local businesses! The current order from our governor has put so much hardship on many businesses in this county and is going against the constitution of the USA. Our constitution has been put in place to protect citizens from a tyrannical government and this is a resolution that is going in the right direction to support our rights and freedoms. The mask mandate is taking away our freedom of speech as well as causing a strain on our lungs and overall immune system. Many studies have shown that masks are NOT good for our health. Thank You!