Meeting Time: December 02, 2020 at 1:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Jessica Montcalm over 4 years ago

    As outlined in the appeal filed by Dodge, Wilson, et al.; insufficient notice was provided to impacted homeowners. Elko County states they will contact the 30 closest parcles/property owners impacted bythe proposed application; Spring Creek Association (SCA) maintains similar notification procedures. As an adjacent property owner to the project area, we received no written notification of the proposed application from either entity. Similarly, we received no notification of any of the meetings pertaining to this matter either from Elko County or SCA. It may be that we are not within the area described by Elko County as "30 closest parcels;" we are, however, within the impacted SCA tract. While not necessarily opposed to the development necessary for infrastructure adequate to address the needs of the expanding population of the area, I do oppose the lack of public notification and transparency on the parts of both the County and the SCA. Public input, especially from those who will be most affected by any proposed development is essential to effective public planning that provides benefits to all users.

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    Emily Ogle over 4 years ago

    I was fortunate enough to get White Cloud internet service at my home in Spring Creek. Living in rural Nevada most of my life it has been the most reliable service I ever used. I worked remotely from home for a year using their service and not once had an issue with connectivity or speed. I feel with the amount of children and adults distance learning and working from home it is vital for our community to allow them to do so successfully. Having a reliable service provider is invaluable. Our community is growing and is showing no signs of stopping. We must be able to let our businesses grow with it.

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    Timothy Ogle over 4 years ago

    Let me start by saying that the proposed tower would be visible from my home. With that being said, I support this tower being built at the water tank and Spring Creek Parkway.

    I recently moved to Spring Creek from another rural Nevada town and was surprised to find the list of internet providers so short. One broadband, tow wireless and satellite. I wasn't interested in broadband, after finding that the company had recently lost a class action suit for misrepresenting contracted connection speeds. I have used satellite internet service previously and found it to be extremely expensive, and less than reliable.. Of the two wireless companies, only one was able to establish a line of site with their tower. The connection provide by this company was acceptable at first. During peak usage time I am now forced to hotspot my cell phone to complete such simple task as uploading documents or photos to emails. Based on my experience, I can't imagine the difficulties that student must be having.

    I understand there are no simple answers here There are already multiple low ridges in and around Spring Creek that support several towers. Should the Commission be unable to approve the building of a tower at this location, please at least direct the company, with the input of staff, to explore other options.

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    Buster Hunsaker over 4 years ago

    I support installation of internet towers in Spring Creek. Our ability to stay current and involved through modern technology and communication has provided rural Nevada and Elko County a way to enjoy our lifestyle and utilize the natural resources which make northern Nevada such an important contributor to the modern economy.

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    Tara Roberts over 4 years ago

    I support installation of additional Internet towers in Spring creek. The lack of internet options in addition to the distance learning/work requirements leaves many households incapable of meeting their work requirements.