Meeting Time: August 05, 2020 at 1:30pm PDT
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Agenda Item

E.3) Review and possible approval of utilizing the CARES Act grant funding to support local businesses through a NACO approved grant program operated by a national non-profit entity.

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    Lynne Volpi over 4 years ago

    As a second generation native Nevadan and a 33 year resident of Elko County, I urge each commissioner to remember that you are a citizen of the state of Nevada, not of the state of Elko County. Please get on board with the state directives to effectively combat the covid 19 pandemic and give your whole-hearted support to the Governor. Please approve utilizing the CARES Act grant funding to support local businesses. The only way our county can get back to business is for every citizen to willingly embrace social distancing, mask wearing, and hand washing; each commissioner can set an example for everyone in Elko County by doing these three simple things. This is not political; it is a matter of life and death. Again, please think of yourselves as citizens of the great state of Nevada, instead of merely politicians. Thank you. Lynne V. Morris