F.2) Application No. 17-4000-001, Sierra Pacific Power Company dba NV Energy:
For Possible Action
A conditional use application for the addition of a 60 foot telecommunications tower to property that is the current site of the Coyote Substation and existing telecommunications facilities. The new telecommunications tower will be used to provide communications between Coyote substation and the existing Stoney Point Telecommunications site.
Location: A 34.759- acre portion of land located within the SE1/4 of Section 10, Township 37 North, Range 49 East, MDB&M as shown on that Record of Survey of a Boundary Line Adjustment for NV Energy and Dean A. & Sharon L. Rhoads as Parcel 2 with File No. 709404 as filed in the Office of the Elko County Recorder. Commonly known as Coyote Creek Substation location.
Applicant & Owner: Sierra Pacific Power Company dba NV Energy